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Monthly Archives: May 2012
Display All Errors and Warnings in PHP
I find myself googling this up waaaaaaay too often, but there’s nothing unusual about that. I usually put this at the top of my code during development.
[note color=”#DDD”] PHP error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); 12 error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', '1'); [/note]Here’s another handy […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Web Development
Tagged php, web development
Colored Output for ls as root
I feel like a total nubbins for this one. I’ve been messing around with linux for many years now and I’ve always wondered why my regular users had pretty color coded files and directories when using ls, but root never did. It always bothered me, and I knew there was […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux
Tagged bash, linux
Linux Command Line Aliases
Ok, you have to promise not to make fun of me if you’re going to continue reading. You promise? Pinky swear?
Alright then, here we go. Somehow or another, I managed to avoid knowledge of command aliases in Linux for over 13 years! I’m gonna give you a moment to […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux
Tagged bash, linux
Nginx: 502 Bad Gateway
I just recently switched from Apache to Nginx and everything seemed to be going well. However, while testing a PunBB site that I brought over, I got a 502 Bad Gateway error when trying to make a post. The strange thing was, the behavior was inconsistent. I could post in […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux, Nginx
Tagged linux, nginx
Linux Find and Replace with sed
Have you ever found yourself googling how to find and replace within a file from the linux command line? Me too. Here’s the answer that works for me: sed -i 's/search/replace/g' /path/to/file.txt
Rather than type that command all the time, I wrote […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux
Tagged linux
Bash Script to Show All Cron Jobs by All Users
I googled this up the other day and it's a winner for sure. The script was tagged as the best answer to "How do I list all cron jobs for all users?" over at stackoverflow.
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux
Tagged cron, linux
Recursively chmod only Directories or Files
This particular trick is invaluable, and I’m tired of googling it. You can read the original article here.
[note color=”#DDD”]Directories Only:find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;[/note] [note color=”#DDD”]Files Only:
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;[/note] And here are some other ones I […] Continue Reading
Posted in Googling for Answers, Linux
Tagged chmod, linux
Getting this damn blog to look the way I wanted!
I don’t even know where to begin. First, finding a good theme to use as a starting point is HARD. Don’t let anyone tell ya different. Second, tweaking that theme (the right way) is not always easy.
After hours of theme searching I finally came across Grey Opaque by H.-Peter […] Continue Reading
Posted in Web Development
Tagged Child Theme, Wordpress